Course Description

This four-hour introductory on-line course has been designed to provide you with a professional working knowledge of the principle aspects of commercial real estate. It has been developed to deliver an easy to follow overview of the basic main elements that revolve around, and apply to the very diverse subject of commercial real estate.

Senior Instructor


Course curriculum

  • 1

    About This Course (How it works?)

    • Please watch this 'Intro Video' to get started -

  • 2

    Table of Contents

    • Table of Contents

    • Introduction

  • 3

    Chapter I. Real Estate Trust Accounts - Overview

    • Chapter I. Overview

    • Industry References

    • Terminology

    • Size & Space

    • Chapter I. Quiz

  • 4

    Chapter II. Commercial Real Estate Sales

    • Chapter Overview

    • Land Sales

    • Building Sales

    • Tenant Comprised Sites

    • Chapter II. Quiz

  • 5

    Chapter III. Commercial Real Estate Leasing

    • Chapter Overview

    • Lease Types

    • Lease Functions

    • Chapter III. Quiz

  • 6

    Chapter IV. Commercial Real Estate Property Management

    • Chapter Overview

    • Commercial Real Estate Property Management Duties

    • Commercial Real Estate Property Management Protocol

    • Chapter IV. Quiz

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    • Start Test-25 questions (80% passing grade required)

  • 8


    • Final Comments

  • 9

    Course Evaluation

    • Please fill out our quick 5 question survey